Multi-Touch Advertising Strategy

The Challenge

GO works with a Beauty brand that had strong sales goals for a new product launch but needed guidance on how to implement the right Amazon tools and insights across the consumer journey to unlock growth in a saturated category despite limited spend. To accomplish this, we knew we needed to work with the brand’s Amazon AE to explore metrics that would identify which tactics would help them improve search volume, share of voice, Brand Metrics, shipped COGS, monthly SNS sales, and NTB purchasers.

Our Solution

To gain our client’s confidence in a strategy that required an increase in advertising budget for upper-funnel tactics, we knew we needed to structure the process around two main priorities:

  1. Execute a full-funnel campaign that would support our client’s sales, NTB, SNS, and category relevance goals. We launched this approach in November 2022, and the strategy included:  

    • Awareness: Driving branded searches & NTB with STV and OLV and gaining impressions from consumers shopping competitor PDPs via SD.

    • Consideration: Retargeting STV, OLV, and SD viewers with DSP ads and directing traffic to the Brand Store through SB and SBV ads.

    • Purchase: Using SP ads to send traffic to PDPs and drive sales.

    • Loyalty: Retargeting past purchasers via DSP and SD.

  2. Utilize tools like Amazon Marketing Cloud, specifically its Media Mix Overlap reporting, to provide better education and data for the client, as well as a test-and-learn process for ad tools they hadn’t used before.

    • Employed Stackline and Brand Metrics data to showcase room for growth within the category.


Thanks to our comprehensive campaign, we reached our client’s goals for their new product launch and saw strong improvement across search volume, shipped COGS, monthly SNS sales, NTB purchasers, share of voice, and Brand Metrics. Because of this successful advertising approach, our client’s confidence in upper-funnel ad tools grew and they increased their investment at the end of the campaign.

search volume for GO brand 1H 2023
up 53% Half Over Half

increase in monthly shipped COGS*

increase in monthly SNS sales*

increase in NTB purchasers**

*Nov. '22–Mar. '23 | ** Comparing Q4 '22 vs. Q1 '23

The GO brand grew its share of voice by 1.4% in 1H 2023 compared to 2H 2022.
The GO brand grew its brand metrics percentile in March 2023 compared to October 2022. Awareness: 59th vs 31st percentile, Consideration: 61st vs 32nd percentile, Purchase: 62nd vs 41st percentile.

Omnichannel Metrics


Brand Store Performance Boost